Thursday, January 27, 2011

Blogging, blogging, blogging.

I have decide to refurbish my blogs. Particularly this one.

Today someone asked me "why?". Well, giving an accurate answer is a bit hard. As I told her, there are many reasons the first of them being the fact that I have time to do it and that I like learning about blogging and improving my blogs. Narcisim and my own delusions of grandeur are also another reason.

Nonetheless, if I try to be honest with myself I find yet another reason, one that seems greater than all the aforementioned, and it is necessity.

The changes that I am applying to this blogs are really necessary if they are to serve the purpose of allowing me to express myself and the different shades and shapes inside my head. In other words, the changes in the blog are a result of changes in who I am (including my circumstances) and most importantly on  who I want to be.

I guess the biggest change is that I have merged all my 3 blogs (yes I have 3 different blogs) in an attempt to unify myself (increase traffic) and to allow whoever bothers to read this to see different sides of me.  Now, thanks to Fors, you can find all the posts that belong to different blogs under the corresponding tab. All the posts can be found under "home" but I guess that defeats the purpose (and I can't seem to change that).

I have also changed the name of one of my blogs. "Costarricense por dicha" is now "Azul: en blanco y negro". I've wanted to change the name of this blog (my pseudo-artistic blog) for a while now but I've had a hard time finding a new name. I am still not sure if I will keep the new name but it feels more appropriate than the previous one and it bears a strong meaning in my life. I want to clarify that the change is not due to a change in my relationship with Costa Rica or my feelings about being Costa Rican, but the old name just didn't seem to hold any relation with the content of the blog.

There was another decision to be made during this process: "what to do with 'Crónicas de una odisea lúdica'?" This blog was originally created to tell the tales about my AIESEC internship in Germany and that is clearly over. However my odyssey and the teachings life has for me are far from over and I see no reason why I should stop writing about them. I guess now I do have to think a little bit more about who I write  this for, but who am I kidding, I know who I've mostly written for.


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