I always knew this day would come; to some extend it came rather sooner than later but at the same time it also took longer than I expected for it to come. This is the day in which I fulfill my promise to Nouran (Nouran Soliman) to post something in English which, as I promised her, also means this is the day I no longer write from Europe; instead I do so from my beloved Costa Rica.
Good old Bonn and Beethoven |
Three days ago I left Bonn (almost one week by the time I finish and publish this post), I had officially left before but I came back to pick up some luggage and to some extend to say "bis bald". Going back to Bonn was good, as it was being there for 8 months, and when I was heading there I had feeling I was going back home but when I finally made it back to Costa Rica I realized there was a slight difference between what I felt going back to Bonn and coming back here. I guess it comes from the fact that both places are different kinds of home.
Many persons have asked me lately how do I feel regarding my experience in Germany/Europe. Well, to be honest I feel a lot of different things but there is one clear and predominant feeling and this is thankfulness. I am very thankful with God, with AIESEC and Deutsche Telekom, with Germany and with all the amazing persons that I met.
San José by night |
One day my dear cousin Lala (Laura Vargas) once said: "life sometimes challenges you and takes you out of your comfort zone, but that is only so that your comfort zone will become bigger". When I found myself saying "today it's a nice day, it's not so cold it is 3 degrees" I realized how right she was.
I guess that the past 9 months were mainly about that, expanding my comfort zone, and also about learning about myself. Neither of those things were easy but both, I must admit, are extremely gratifying.
Now I am back in my beloved Costa Rica, with all its beauty, its potential and its challenges. I am happy to be back and I am really looking forward to whatever comes ahead.
By now I leave you all with an invitation to meet me here and with the promise to keep on writing since the odyssey will go on.
San José today at 4pm |
I like the way you put it : Life takes you out of the comfort zone only to make the zone bigger.
ReplyDeleteThousands of individuals are experiencing this very feeling around the globe through AIESEC. I hope you take what you learnt in your internship forward in your life :)
LC Blog: http://blog.aieseciitkgp.org
Personal Blog: http://agni-kgp.blogspot.com